India's security station on the line become zero threat to PakistanBarmer: between India and Pakistan began a few years ago by Pakistan in the guise of friendship Sfrname in Rajasthan India - Pakistan border near the zero line construction have been ignored until now the consequences are exposed. Barmer district of Rajasthan looks Munabaw India - Pakistan international border, just 10 meters from the front line zero built railway station in the circumstances of the present tense used by Pakistan for military activities being apprehended to be is. So far the railway station with trains running between Khokhrapar Munabaw and is being used for. Five years ago the railway station built near the international border, Border Security Force (BSF) and other intelligence agencies had opposed the heavy border between the two countries in terms of half a hundred yards in any way limit any construction within the region can not work. Nevertheless, Pakistan, taking advantage of friendship with 15 yards on only 10 had construction. Border Security Force and other security agencies in this regard, the Union Home Ministry and Foreign Ministry had also written to warn, but friendship, the government advocates deny anything action had been instructed to close the issue. Thar Express between Khokhrapar in Pakistan and Munabaw Railway began construction of this station. When work began, then the construction was far behind the international border, but slowly - slowly works near the international border was brought. 10 to 15 meters from the border when the work has come by, the BSF and other security agencies have also vehemently opposed, but had no effect on Pakistan it. Within 150 yards of any building in the border area despite the ban by Pakistan on its infringement dispute with Pakistan DIG level and Director level has been raised in the meetings. It had no effect on Pakistan. After Border Security Force raised the issue by the Home Ministry, but no hearing was not. In the present circumstances of both countries in view of rising tensions between the use of this station to be taken against India for military activities can not deny the possibility. DIG BSF Barmer sector that Pakistan accept Narendra Gujjars made by the international border near the zero line between the station 150 yards in both countries not to build any kind of condition is violated. When the construction was going on, then Commandant of force levels, and Director General level dig level with Pakistan in bilateral meetings and protests had raised the issue, but Pakistan has continued its construction. The issue was later extended to the Central Ministry. Gujjar said here was limited to our duty. Whatever decision further, that the Government had to take. Action was to be on the same level. DIG BSF says that the international border area seems to Munabaw the full surveillance is being maintained vigilance Brtte. In this area have been established many Watch Tower. Every activity that exceeded 24 hours notice is being maintained. Gujjar said international border near Pakistan's military activities are not visible. However, Pakistan border posts has increased strength of the Union Rangers. 6-7, the number used before, but now the news is getting to 20-22.
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