शनिवार, 17 अप्रैल 2010

Jinnah was ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity’

जिन्ना हिंदू मुस्लिम एकता 'की राजदूत थे

: बाड़मेर पूर्व भारतीय विदेश मंत्री जसवंत सिंह का कहना है कि वह मोहम्मद अली जिन्ना पर लिखने क्योंकि वहाँ व्यक्तित्व 13 महीने अपनी मृत्यु से पहले एक प्रमुख भारतीय नागरिक था पर छोटा था चुना जो.
अपने जिन्ना नामक पुस्तक के शुभारंभ पर: बोलते भारत विभाजन के स्वतंत्रता, शुक्रवार को यहां उन्होंने कहा कि जिन्ना हिंदू मुस्लिम एकता की एक था राजदूत, लेकिन वह भारत demonized में था हालांकि मुस्लिम नेता द्वारा एक अलग लाइन ले बनाया गया था कांग्रेस नेतृत्व कि केन्द्रीयता का नहीं सोचा था.
"वह एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष, स्वराज और तर्क करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध था और. था धर्म को राजनीति से अलग रखने की बात की" सिंह ने कहा कि जिन्ना कांग्रेस में गांधी के वरिष्ठ था और करने के लिए सविनय अवज्ञा दक्षिण अफ्रीका से लौटने के बाद बाद के द्वारा शुरू आंदोलन में शामिल होने से इनकार कर दिया.
लार्ड माउंटबेटन भारत के अंतिम वायसराय के बारे में उन्होंने कहा, वह व्यक्ति, जो भारत के बारे में गलत बुरी नहीं पूछा जाना चाहिए 'के रूप में वाइसराय आईएनजी नीमहकीम' फोन.
सिंह आयोजित की कानून और व्यवस्था की जा रही प्रभारी के रूप में उपमहाद्वीप के विभाजन के दौरान नरसंहार के लिए जिम्मेदार माउंटबेटन वह दंगा नियंत्रण कार्य नहीं था.
उन्होंने खेद व्यक्त किया कि Radcliff पुरस्कार भी लंबे समय रोका था पंजाब और बंगाल के लोगों को जो कि वे देश के हैं के बीच भ्रम के लिए अग्रणी.
महाराष्ट्र और गुजरात में सांप्रदायिक दंगों के बारे में उन्होंने कहा कि इन मुस्लिम विरोधी थे और पाकिस्तान विरोधी के रूप में विचार नहीं करना चाहिए.
पाकिस्तान नदी जल के भारत द्वारा रोक के बारे में एक सवाल का जवाब देते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि उनका मानना था कि इस मुद्दे को सिंधु बेसिन संधि के माध्यम से जल्द से जल्द हल किया जाना चाहिए विश्व बैंक गारंटी के तहत स्थापित की.
उन्होंने कहा कि बिजली loadshedding PakistanIndia रिश्तों में लोड बहा करने के लिए नेतृत्व नहीं करना चाहिए.
पूछा कि विभाजन अपरिहार्य था और अगर इस प्रक्रिया उलट हो सकता है, उन्होंने कहा कि विभाजन एक वास्तविकता थी, लेकिन इसके लिए अपनाई गई विधि बहुत गलत था.
इतिहास के उत्क्रमण का विरोध करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि पाकिस्तान की प्रगति और राजनीतिक रूप से स्थिर हो के रूप में यह दो दक्षिण एशियाई पड़ोसियों के बीच संबंधों के लिए बेहतर होगा चाहिए.
"यह समय है कि दोनों देशों को वास्तविकता के रूप में विभाजन को स्वीकार करते हैं और जिस तरह जिन्ना मोनरो सिद्धांत है जिसके तहत दोनों देशों के लिए संकट की स्थिति में एक दूसरे की मदद और मैत्रीपूर्ण पड़ोसियों की तरह रहने वाले थे पर काम करके कल्पना पर काम है. " उसने: कहा "हम अतीत को भूलकर भविष्य की ओर देखना चाहिए अन्यथा. हम सूर्य के प्रकाश को देखने के लिए असफल हूँ" सिंह ने कहा कि दोनों देशों को गरीबी और दो हाथ मिलाने इसे हल करने चाहिए की आम समस्या थी.
क्षेत्र में एक शांतिपूर्ण बनाने वातावरण "" दोनों देशों के विकास के लिए है अपरिहार्य, और. यह इस क्षेत्र के गरीबों पर सबसे बड़ा उपकार होगा "उन्होंने लोगों से आग्रह किया कि शांति के लिए काम करते हैं, कि उनकी पुस्तक का उद्देश्य था हमारे अतीत इतना समझते हैं कि हम अतीत की गलतियों को दोहरा नहीं है.
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बुधवार, 14 अप्रैल 2010

jaswant singh in pakistan

barmer Former Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh has said it is time that the 'Berlin Wall' erected between India and Pakistan following the 1965 war be demolished.Interacting with media persons during a press conference after releasing his controversial yet popular book: "Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence" here, Singh said people from both sides of the border have long been trying to come closer and it is time for making a new start in the relationship of the two neighbouring countries."Masses at both sides of the border are longing to come close to each other, and therefore we must let go of the shadows of history and let the new dawn arrive. We must create a strong relationship with each other, otherwise the poverty at both sides of the border cannot be wiped away," Singh, who was expelled from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for praising Jinnah in his book, said.Commenting on the US and the North Atlantic Territory Organisation's (NATO) intervention in India and Pakistan's issues, Singh said it is for both New Delhi and Islamabad to resolve their differences amicably."The US is around 8,000 miles away from Pakistan, whereas India is only eight minutes away, therefore the people of India and Pakistan must resolve their differences themselves," The Daily Times quoted Singh, as saying.The book was released in August 2009 in India and soon became the subject of controversy.It contains controversial opinions of Singh, claiming that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's centralised policy was responsible for partition and that Jinnah was portrayed as a demon by India for the partition.
The book has already received commendation from noted writers and experts Mark Tully, Meghnad Desai, Ram Jethmalani, Namwar Singh and Hameed Haroon, who believe that Jinnah's role needed to be reassessed.
During his stay in Pakistan, Singh would also release his book in Islamabad and visit a famous Hindu temple, the Hinglaj Mandir in Balochistan.


बाड़मेर: ‘स्वजल धारा योजना’ में 50 करोड़ का घपला

बाड़मेर: ‘स्वजल धारा योजना’ में 50 करोड़ का घपला

Indo-Pak 'Berlin Wall' must be brought down: Jaswant Singh

Indo-Pak 'Berlin Wall' must be brought down: Jaswant Singh

barmer Former Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh has said it is time that the 'Berlin Wall' erected between India and Pakistan following the 1965 war be demolished.Interacting with media persons during a press conference after releasing his controversial yet popular book: "Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence" here, Singh said people from both sides of the border have long been trying to come closer and it is time for making a new start in the relationship of the two neighbouring countries."Masses at both sides of the border are longing to come close to each other, and therefore we must let go of the shadows of history and let the new dawn arrive. We must create a strong relationship with each other, otherwise the poverty at both sides of the border cannot be wiped away," Singh, who was expelled from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for praising Jinnah in his book, said.Commenting on the US and the North Atlantic Territory Organisation's (NATO) intervention in India and Pakistan's issues, Singh said it is for both New Delhi and Islamabad to resolve their differences amicably."The US is around 8,000 miles away from Pakistan, whereas India is only eight minutes away, therefore the people of India and Pakistan must resolve their differences themselves," The Daily Times quoted Singh, as saying.The book was released in August 2009 in India and soon became the subject of controversy.It contains controversial opinions of Singh, claiming that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's centralised policy was responsible for partition and that Jinnah was portrayed as a demon by India for the partition.
The book has already received commendation from noted writers and experts Mark Tully, Meghnad Desai, Ram Jethmalani, Namwar Singh and Hameed Haroon, who believe that Jinnah's role needed to be reassessed.
During his stay in Pakistan, Singh would also release his book in Islamabad and visit a famous Hindu temple, the Hinglaj Mandir in Balochistan.

सोमवार, 12 अप्रैल 2010

afolk and is synonymous with musical Shufi Afkaira

Chandan Singh Bhatti
Barmer: western Rajasthan Dhora talent that emerged from the womb of the earth are] who 'Thar's थळी] Name of folk singing illuminate overseas has provided a new peak. This link is an important name - Afkaira Khan. Shufiyana in public like a musical mix of folk singer give him a new Unchaiyon Antarrshtry Afkaira Khan on Page Aster made her a point.

Border of the small village of Barmer district Tasthaman Bisala Maangniyar living in the Sun 1974, Khan was at home Janmi Afkaira Khan. His father married living Khan - singing on the occasion of marriage - playing family nurture used. Khan, his son living in the higher education merely wanted to send a government job so that the family would get rid of Muafllisi] and never made anything but nature.

By eighth grade to Uartion Afkaira Ssanidhy little of his father - were very public musical learning. Ustad Sadiq Khan soon Afkaira Ssanidhy the folk musical made its own identity. After the untimely death of Ustad Sadiq Khan Afkaira new incarnation of the folk musical Bahia with Anwar Khan made his Jugalbandi. Then folk song - the rarest of musical duo did not look back. They earned reputation overseas art of folk music. Afkaira - Anwar traditional folk duo It's like a musical mix that Shufiyana the country - the music lovers abroad became obsessed with his hood. Given the full respect of the great talent Afkaira Bulievur.

Afkaira the 'Egypt. Romans] 'hero]' Lagaan] 'moment], etc. Powered by voice in many films skirts. Ustad Zakir Hussain Khan Afkaira yet] Hoopen Hazarika] Pt Vishwa Mohan Bhatt] Kailash Well] AR Rahman], etc. By Jugalbandiaan lasting impact with singers Chodi Khyatinam. Afkaira short at the age of 35 years in over 40 countries have performed thousands of folk songs - the music provided a new Unchaeyon. Fun's just amazing that Uanhoananne Afkaira the famous French 490 cultural events in theater presented Jingaro Rajasthan folk art left an indelible impression.

Afkaira yet Paris, Rgmanee] Switzerland] Austria] France] Israel Belgium Hong Kong USA] Spain] in over 40 countries including Pakistan demonstrated its hood. But] Afkaira Rshtry Page Republic Day Gala 1992] 93] 94] 2001] 2003 and 2004, the Parade Ground New Dillic given presentations on their most memorable treats.

Page Afkaira Khan Rshtry level to participate in many festivals of folk music values - respect is enhanced. They all AIR stations] DD centers] dish channels have given their presentations.

Afkaira Khan Jordan in September 2009 organized by the Cultural Affairs 'The Shufi Festival' has created a boom from his folk singing. Rajasthan sung by them with the traditional folk Gatoan Shufiyana guess was the most preferred.

Afkaira folk songs - music for Maddhma involves flame Jilane Maangniyar caste children Jangda style traditional folk songs, hymns, folk speech and Shufiyana style training bases are preparing a new breed. Afkaira recently as "Verldka Music Faisteival ', organized by Chicago artists Khyatinam 32 countries, with 57 performances of folk music to give the flag waved. Afkaira Khan "Dalit Sahitya Academy 'awarded by. At the state level have been awarded several times per Afkaira Khan, folk music is in the blood, and cries in the house when the baby is born] notes come out from his mouth.

According to him, folk song music Jangda] Dod during the public - the artists were carried away by flood equipment. Afkaira Khan special effort from the government about two thousand folk artists pointed free equipment.


राजस्‍थान: दागी कलेक्टरों की होगी छुटटी

राजस्‍थान: दागी कलेक्टरों की होगी छुटटी

गुरुवार, 8 अप्रैल 2010

manganiyar folk singer sadik khan_magacian of khartal

Top of Form

Barmer: Barmer district of the western border of the Thar Thlly folk singing of the reputation of the area then crosses seven Samundra is Pehuchane. Thar's Thlly Maangniyar nation's red Sur Sadhana to his folk Gayko Aday Ytroan used such traditional art which caused Anutepan Asadhko Romaachith turn up.

Achy traditional folk musical instruments such Akrtal Sartaj Khan Siddhiq Aaiskar the hood of your worldwide clamor was created. The magic of music to climb the head Akrtal Preemiyo said. Bloom in the reputation of Akrtal Siddhiq imposed. Akrtal up, and the Siddhiq Siddhiq the Akrtal made immortal.

Born in Barmer district Zhaplly Siddhiq Public Ghyyyqui his childhood had mastered. He picked up seven Samundra folk music from across the street Panhuchaaya Kuchcho. Siddhiq Sadio's family in the village high Hrano folk songs - music by Mahfila sentenced to life Nirwahan. Yjamani with - marry - marriage engagement ceremony and other folk songs through musical family, providing food were two square.

Beiashakie was pinned on the folk musical Mangat. Siddhiq from childhood with his father to play Zhaplly folk singing and singing at various Tikano Aday skills acquired in his father's violin, Tondura, Commaycha and Akrtal play area then had acquired a reputation. The legacy of his Puarwajo Siddhiq Amanoyog the way, with the attitude adopted practice and dedicated his result made their own identity. Must Siddhiq was illiterate, but folk songs, music and rich repository of knowledge was Adayse.

Siddhiq and Akrtal were synonymous to each other. He had no right to play Akrtal mash. Akrtal had to play them achieve higher degrees of efficiency. Mahfilaan Siddhiq seemed incomplete without the folk music. Akrtal efficiency because they typically play as many international Samharoho Thar's a reputation earned pride. Siddhiq Akrtal soon as the magician and Khyatinam became famous. Got them from Akrtal popularity and respect.

Six to eight Ench long and half - two wide Asadharan Ench-looking little wooden rings music lover from the hands of two Patiaan when Siddhiq Uttensiddhiq swinging the arm portion and the other four fingers Angute Internal Akrtal placing fingers between the palm force happened to be Adhakda Akrtal Zumt forget everything that he plays were lost.

Tone and tenor of songs from all fellow Gayko rapidly get out of the gorge from the hands of her faster than Siddhiq Bjtian Akrtal. Harmonic adorable folk songs of the Siddhiq meets with the Akrtal Uttean swinging music lover. Siddhiq of the magic seven Samundra Akrtal across the U.S., Australia, Japan, Russia Voice of music including folk songs in many countries to spread Alheria flag waved.

Western Rajasthan folk song music of the Central Sangeet Natak Akademi New Uchaeyon Siddhiq delivery cash prize of ten thousand rupees by giving respect to their discipline. While Madhya - Pradesh government basil honors awarded in 1989-90. State level have been awarded several Harmatba Siddhiq Khan.

Samundra Siddhiq Khan Khan's son awake live folk musical examples, skilled in playing Akrtal Samundra Khan Sarkshaon folk art institution for the Self through the strongly're trying. Local folk artists Samundra mines abroad to provide them to the program are fixed.

सोमवार, 5 अप्रैल 2010

a crime

Barmer: Fifteen years ago, the rules made by the villagers themselves 25 km away from Barmer in Rajasthan 'Duangeroan the fried' daughters of the village was fortunate Sanwar. It is the village where the house looks fine to send daughter to school. Consequently, every child is reading here. One girl read the book 20 years ago - was not written. Two decades ago, because rural society extends Kuretioan had shied away from sending daughters to school.

In 1995 a raging discussion about social conference. After this large village - elderly sitting on a bedspread every household to educate the daughter made the rule. Follow this rule was decided not to charge fines. Only higher up in the village primary school. So girls walking six kilometers a day for further studies Ssnavda Village Senior Secondary School has to go. Despite this, it is the result of determination that the two hundred families "of Duangeroan fried" and only 180 students in the number of students is 225.

It's still no electricity in many Danioan. Do students study in light of the fireplace. Guided by this rule Aramderiya neighboring villages and the villagers Hathetlah have started sending their daughters to school. "The fried Duangeroan 'stamina of the students in the Games have brought laurels to the district at the national level. Government senior secondary school students studying in Ssnavda lost at the state level - lost in the past ten years, Barmer district are represented. Schoolgirl Maya, Viro, routine, the beloved and Paanpe lost - lost was selected for competition at the national level. Similarly, upper primary school, 'the sole Duangeroan' Three students have been playing at the national level. The team achieved first place at the state level the past five years are.



शनिवार, 3 अप्रैल 2010



pir pagara sindh pak

Was born in Pir Jo Goth and become Pagara in 1921, when he was 12 years old. He was brave & fearless man of his time who started armed struggle against British rulers for freedom so was called as Suriah Badshah. He never compromised on principles and never submitted to British rulers so the rulers thought him a great threat and assassinated him on 20th March 1943, He was first time arrested in 1930 for his activities against British rulers from his village Pir Jo Goath.
He was kept in different prisons like Sukkur, Ratina-gari, Madnapur, Rajshahi, Daka etc. His case was fought by Mohammad Ali Jinnah [founder of Pakistan], in 1930. He was released from Jail in 1936. He wrote book in jail. A daily news paper Pir Jo Goth Gazette was publishing daily from Pir Jo Goth in his days.
His followers Hurs wear kept in concentration camps after his arrest. Special law to crush Hur movement was passed on 20th March 1940 called Hur movement was at its, peak in the days of Pir Syed Sibghatullah Shah Shaheed. First Marshallaw against, Hurs, was imposed from 1893 to 1898.Second Marshallaw against Hurs was imposed in 1942. Suraih Bad Shah performed Haj 1937. He often went for hunting in Makhi forest.
He was assassinated on 20th March 1943 and his moveable & immovable property was confiscated even before assassination.

Pir Sahib Pagara having direct descent with Ameer Ul Momineen Babe Madinat-ul-Illam Syedna Hazarat Ali ( ) through various generations and given below is the sequence:-

pir sahib pagaara,sindh,pak


Was born in Pir Jo Goth and become Pagara in 1921, when he was 12 years old. He was brave & fearless man of his time who started armed struggle against British rulers for freedom so was called as Suriah Badshah. He never compromised on principles and never submitted to British rulers so the rulers thought him a great threat and assassinated him on 20th March 1943, He was first time arrested in 1930 for his activities against British rulers from his village Pir Jo Goath.
He was kept in different prisons like Sukkur, Ratina-gari, Madnapur, Rajshahi, Daka etc. His case was fought by Mohammad Ali Jinnah [founder of Pakistan], in 1930. He was released from Jail in 1936. He wrote book in jail. A daily news paper Pir Jo Goth Gazette was publishing daily from Pir Jo Goth in his days.
His followers Hurs wear kept in concentration camps after his arrest. Special law to crush Hur movement was passed on 20th March 1940 called Hur movement was at its, peak in the days of Pir Syed Sibghatullah Shah Shaheed. First Marshallaw against, Hurs, was imposed from 1893 to 1898.Second Marshallaw against Hurs was imposed in 1942. Suraih Bad Shah performed Haj 1937. He often went for hunting in Makhi forest.
He was assassinated on 20th March 1943 and his moveable & immovable property was confiscated even before assassination.

शुक्रवार, 2 अप्रैल 2010



corruption in forest department

According to departmental Sutron, powered by the Forest Department "to stop the spread Mru project under budget in 2007-08, and 2008-09 was not for lack of any action, which then deputy conservator of forests by the department's cache Umaid Singh Ranawat book and was recorded on Notshit. That the past four years Sutron Department for the project came not from the Central Government budget. Budget in the absence of two years by the Department did not have any kind of plantation work.

Barmer District Council last year by the Department for contingency amount of Rs four crore had been issued. During that time period the district eight fake bills as Deputy Forest Rangers Umaid Singh Ranawat before Srnkshk were presented for payment. The exception to the payment of bills were expressed Ranawat Cash Book and recorded that year Tipni on Notshit in 2007-08 and 2008-09 budget in the absence of any action by the Department is not, which is not possible to be paid is.

Jaipur was transferred in October 2009 Ranawat. While charging the new Deputy Forest Srnkshk PR Ranawat wrote a comment on the charge notes that in two years by the Department was not any kind of work, so for this time period should be no payment of any kind. In January 2010 the Central Government Forest Department has allocated an amount of 6.66 million. By the new deputy conservator of forests before the Rangers to pay old bills were presented. Being aware of these fake bills about two million fake officer all bills paid. Sutron, according to the Forest Department Barmer range by 46.12 million, 57.69 million to Balotra, Dorimanna to 51.60 million, 26.49 million Shiva, Siwana to 31 million, 1.39 million and the Chauhtn 66.13 million was paid to Baytu. The third phase of the project to pay for actions was the eighth stage, while the eighth stage of the budget in the absence of any kind was not work.

Despite departmental documents mentioned two crore paid by the Department of State and Central Government's tax fraud lime was applied. The main forest reported embezzlement Despite Srnkshk Abhijit Ghosh and CM is not any kind of action. Abhijit Ghosh said the chief conservator of forests after receiving a complaint in writing to this effect have been issued orders high level probe. Impartial investigation of the matter is put. Responsible authorities will not be spared.



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