Chandan Singh Bhatti
Barmer: western Rajasthan Dhora talent that emerged from the womb of the earth are] who 'Thar's थळी] Name of folk singing illuminate overseas has provided a new peak. This link is an important name - Afkaira Khan. Shufiyana in public like a musical mix of folk singer give him a new Unchaiyon Antarrshtry Afkaira Khan on Page Aster made her a point.
Border of the small village of Barmer district Tasthaman Bisala Maangniyar living in the Sun 1974, Khan was at home Janmi Afkaira Khan. His father married living Khan - singing on the occasion of marriage - playing family nurture used. Khan, his son living in the higher education merely wanted to send a government job so that the family would get rid of Muafllisi] and never made anything but nature.
By eighth grade to Uartion Afkaira Ssanidhy little of his father - were very public musical learning. Ustad Sadiq Khan soon Afkaira Ssanidhy the folk musical made its own identity. After the untimely death of Ustad Sadiq Khan Afkaira new incarnation of the folk musical Bahia with Anwar Khan made his Jugalbandi. Then folk song - the rarest of musical duo did not look back. They earned reputation overseas art of folk music. Afkaira - Anwar traditional folk duo It's like a musical mix that Shufiyana the country - the music lovers abroad became obsessed with his hood. Given the full respect of the great talent Afkaira Bulievur.
Afkaira the 'Egypt. Romans] 'hero]' Lagaan] 'moment], etc. Powered by voice in many films skirts. Ustad Zakir Hussain Khan Afkaira yet] Hoopen Hazarika] Pt Vishwa Mohan Bhatt] Kailash Well] AR Rahman], etc. By Jugalbandiaan lasting impact with singers Chodi Khyatinam. Afkaira short at the age of 35 years in over 40 countries have performed thousands of folk songs - the music provided a new Unchaeyon. Fun's just amazing that Uanhoananne Afkaira the famous French 490 cultural events in theater presented Jingaro Rajasthan folk art left an indelible impression.
Afkaira yet Paris, Rgmanee] Switzerland] Austria] France] Israel Belgium Hong Kong USA] Spain] in over 40 countries including Pakistan demonstrated its hood. But] Afkaira Rshtry Page Republic Day Gala 1992] 93] 94] 2001] 2003 and 2004, the Parade Ground New Dillic given presentations on their most memorable treats.
Page Afkaira Khan Rshtry level to participate in many festivals of folk music values - respect is enhanced. They all AIR stations] DD centers] dish channels have given their presentations.
Afkaira Khan Jordan in September 2009 organized by the Cultural Affairs 'The Shufi Festival' has created a boom from his folk singing. Rajasthan sung by them with the traditional folk Gatoan Shufiyana guess was the most preferred.
Afkaira folk songs - music for Maddhma involves flame Jilane Maangniyar caste children Jangda style traditional folk songs, hymns, folk speech and Shufiyana style training bases are preparing a new breed. Afkaira recently as "Verldka Music Faisteival ', organized by Chicago artists Khyatinam 32 countries, with 57 performances of folk music to give the flag waved. Afkaira Khan "Dalit Sahitya Academy 'awarded by. At the state level have been awarded several times per Afkaira Khan, folk music is in the blood, and cries in the house when the baby is born] notes come out from his mouth.
According to him, folk song music Jangda] Dod during the public - the artists were carried away by flood equipment. Afkaira Khan special effort from the government about two thousand folk artists pointed free equipment.
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