शुक्रवार, 26 मार्च 2010

water thief in desert

Badmer: Rajasthan's border with Pakistan began a heavy shortage of drinking water due to Badmer district where Tharwasi are forced to flee, the district millions of rupees every year water mafia illegal water selling silver are cut. Local people are paying a heavy price for drinking water. Of water - one drop of the dream did not obedient Thar residents that they will pay a heavy price for drinking water.

Millions of water in the desert course of business Avievsniy think, but true. Barmer district of Rajasthan in western water for public drinking water shortages common struggle which is a major crisis, while the water remains a source of income for Mafion. One side is the claim that is being brought water to all villages, drinking water to villagers in reality the other side is paying a heavy price. Rural drinking water schemes has been stopped. Tractor wheels on the water millions of rupees thanks to government employees illegal occupation of the business is running smooth.

Having six years of consecutive drought in Kod mangy work. Monsoon is merciful, then four months of the year is over Maramari for water. However, the remaining eight months living in villages suffer from water crisis, people have to drink water only after purchase. In the absence of rain water crisis this time is constant. Even in winter the water from a marketing tractor work is staggering. One tanker of water costs in the summer usually is four hundred rupees, this time a tractor in the winter the water price is Rs 550-600. Water Mafia accelerate your business so audacious that collusion with government and government plans stopped making Karindon give.

In such rural water tanker Mjburivs Munhmangi prices fall Mngwane's. Mafia together with local staff provide technical trouble, but the Water Department's top officials can not do anything. It unfolded in a matter new rubble. The village is disrupted by pipeline last six months. Rural long time collector, legislators and the executive engineer Sometimes even in spite of complaints could not fix the pipeline. 600 bucks today by Rural water tankers have been ordered. Pak border villages like this in hundreds of pipelines has been disrupted. Due to the crisis situation of villagers in rural drinking water is bad. Despite the consumption of water to villagers in the skin generally five - six members and one - two animals per month with a family has to buy a tanker.

Across the village, said resident Mrs Pire Shdad three stitches at the time of rain - the water comes four months, drinking water crisis, some of which relief is due. But, this time in the absence of rain stitches remain dry. Being a sheep farm work almost three months has to Dlwana water tanker. A water tanker has to pay the price of 550-600 rupees. Nearly thirty thousand rupees in a year has to buy water. Surface traditional water sources in the district, such as - pond, Berry, well, stitches are available. These sources are kept collecting rain water. Ground - In some places water as wells, tube wells for drinking water is available from Gunwatayukt. Most farmers in areas of potable groundwater is private tubewells and wells.

Used for agricultural irrigation water to farmers in addition to tractors - those who sell the tanker. Farmers a tanker - Tractor in the shower make price is Rs 100-150. Thus, owners of private tubewells and wells to tap groundwater are earning millions of rupees. While the tractor - the water tanker owner to transport to the villages are Vsulte upto Rs 350-700. Water Mafia economic, social and political as the public drinking water sources so effective that the tanker could have no courage to stop filling. District is about 15 thousand tankers.

Barmer district in various government schemes remain almost eight lakh stitches, yet water crisis is unchanged. According to the Public Health Department of District Council members Ridmlsinh tine spent on drinking water schemes must stop. District has been spending billions of rupees on these water projects, but until today Ahton relief is not achieved. According to him the task of supplying drinking water contracts should give. Villagers to buy water to drink, then why did the Department spend on the unnecessary?

Meanwhile, Additional District Collector in this regard our level Hanuman Sahay Meena said that the administration is trying to curb water Mafion. Administration is making available water from tankers Apdagrst villages. Filling of private tankers at departmental Haident Pwainton has imposed sanctions. Executive Engineer, DC Said that the department is trying to complete Vishnoi that fit the rural drinking water schemes. Department officials in this regard and has given strict instructions to employees. Official Plan from drinking water sources has imposed restrictions on private tankers to fill water.

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