शनिवार, 20 मार्च 2010

people of desert

People of RajasthanIndia is known for its unity in diversity and Rajasthan in itself presents this in a most complete manner where people have been divided in groups and sub-groups based on their roles and trades that haven followed in their families for generations till the time when these people were assigned the work not through their merits but by the family, they were born in and they were trained for their family professions ever since their childhood. This accounts for the basis of the trades dominated by a people of a particular religion, caste or sub-caste and other communities such as tribals and nomads. We have presented here some broad categories in which the people of Rajasthan can be classified and have attempted to include their distinctive habits and way of living in our passage:

Rajput - The Warrior Class
Valiant and chivalrous, Rajputs were the rulers of the land for a long time and the legends of their medieval concepts and acts of bravery are still sung in Rajasthan. The Rajput rulers were great patrons of arts and crafts and Rajasthan still boasts of monuments of the finest examples of architecture that sprung up during their reign. They still strictly observe their religion and offer sacrifices to their gods and goddesses in order to appease and please them. They have proved formidable foes from time to time. They rose to the elite class of the region and the only reason of their downfall can be attributed to their inter-clan rivalries and internecine wars that often came in the way of their offering a joint opposition to the forces of invaders. Later, Rajputs have been known to serve in the armies of their rulers and acquired land as their compensation not only as a payment for their services but often because they shared a friendly bond and were very loyal to the kings they served.

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